EurBee 2018
You are here > Scientific submissions | Abstract submission
The scientific committee welcomes contributions for oral communication or poster presentation.

Abstract submission is closed

The submitted abstracts will be reviewed in a blinded way and will be evaluated based on:

  • Clarity of the aim and experimental design.
  • Novelty and scientific quality.
  • Relevance of the topic and the results.

Abstract Submission

General Instructions
Please indicate whether you wish your abstract to be considered for:
  • oral presentation
  • poster presentation
  • oral or poster presentation (no-preference)

To allow efficient handling of the abstracts, authors are requested to submit their abstract in one of the topics and are requested to submit 3 keywords. The scientific committee reserves the right to switch abstracts to other topics.


  • Neurobiology
  • Chemical ecology
  • Physiology
  • Behaviour & colony function
  • Pathology
  • Population genetics
  • Genomics
  • Various
Abstract format
  1. Abstracts must be in English and submitted on-line
  2. Abstract format:
    • Abstract title: should be in capital letters
    • Authors: the names of the authors should be listed in the following order: Last name, First name, Department, Institution, City, Country.
    • Abstract body: the abstract body should contain maximum 350 Words.
  3. The use of tables, graphs, diagrams, images and embedded videos in the abstract submission is not allowed.
  4. Use standard abbreviations. Please explain special or unusual abbreviations the first time they appear.
  5. Notification of acceptance will be dispatched by e-mail by 4 June 2018
Abstract Timeline
Abstract submission deadline: 15 April 2018
Notification of acceptance: 4 June 2018
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