EurBee 2018
You are here > Scientific submissions | Symposium Submission

Symposium submission is closed


Symposia should include presentations on a specific theme and involve an integration of findings from different research departments. Symposia are organized by one or two conveners and will be scheduled for 1 hour and 30 minutes or 1 hour. They will include 3 or 5 presenters (each 15 minutes respectively), plus at least 15 minutes for a discussant-lead dialogue with the audience. It is strongly recommended to include presenters from different countries/research centers.

The scientific committee will review the symposium submission and will allocate presentations that were submitted for non-accepted symposia to an oral session or poster session.

  • Symposium proposal must be submitted on-line (Section Program-Abstract submission on this congress page).
  • Deadline of submission is 2 February 2018.
    Submissions received after this date will not be accepted.
  • Notification of acceptance Symposium proposal will be communicated by e-mail from 15 April 2018 to the Symposium responsible, who have to communicate the verdict to the author(s) of the Symposium related papers.
Proposal must be submitted on-line

Symposium Title:
Do not use capitals

Submit 3 Keywords relevant and describing the topic of the Symposium

Convener 1, Convener 2, Discussant, Corresponding Symposium Responsible:
Fill in the Last Name, followed by Initial(s) and coordinates in the related fields

Corresponding Author:
Please fill in the coordinates of the corresponding author

Symposium Abstract:
This abstract should describe the purpose and aim of the Symposium. The abstract must not exceed 350 words.

The Symposium should include 3 or 5 papers.

Do not use capitals

Maximum 8 authors allowed.
Last name followed by Initial(s) First Name
Affiliations: we recommend you to use numeric characters to identify the connections between multiple authors and their affiliations.
Example: de Graaf D.C. 1, Laget D. 1, Ectors L. 2
1 Honeybee Valley, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; 2 Semico, Ghent, Belgium

Name of Presenting Author:
Fill in the Name of the Presenting Author (Last Name followed by Initials)

Corresponding Author:
Please fill in the coordinates of the corresponding author

Body Abstract:
The Body of the Abstract should not exceed 250 words.
The text should contain: introduction, method, material(s), results and conclusion.

Please note:
Symbols and special characters: limit yourself to the characters that are available in Times New Roman.
Do not use footnotes, superscripts or subscripts.
Tables and figures will not be allowed.

Symposium submission

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