EurBee 2018
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We gratefully acknowledge the support of our partners and do thank them sincerely for their engagement
Local Academic Partners
UGent Ho Gent
Scientific Partners
Belgium – Flanders - FWO

FWO FWO supports – inter alia - researchers with the organisation of scientific conferences where the international and inter-university dimension is a central element of the programme. International scientific conferences are an important means of stimulating scientific debate, disseminating knowledge and developing informal networks.

Eva Crane Trust

Eva Cane The Trust was formed by Dr Eva Crane. It was enhanced by the residue of her estate bequeathed to the Trust on her death in 2007.

Its aim is to advance the understanding of bees and beekeeping by the collection, collation and dissemination of science and research worldwide as well as to record and propagate a further understanding of beekeeping practices through historical and contemporary discoveries.

Belgium – Wallonia - FNRS

FNRS The mission of the Scientific Research Fund - FNRS is to develop fundamental scientific research within the context of initiatives put forward by the researchers. It encourages the production and development of knowledge by supporting, on the one hand, individual researchers and by financing, on the other hand, research programmes carried out within the laboratories and departments which are mainly located in the Universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Partners in the public sector
Government of Flanders, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Conference Sympathiser
With the support of the Belgian Province of East-Flanders
With the support of the Federal Government of Belgium

Other partners
Gold partners


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